Covid Clinics

If COVID or a similar infectious respiratory disease is widespread in the community we will implement the following procedures.
The Hand Therapists will endeavour to provide our services to those in need while maintaining patient and staff health and safety to the best extent possible.
If you are unwell, stay home and get COVID 19 tested. If you return a positive result isolate for seven days.
If you are a household contact please test yourself and if you return a positive COVID 19 test stay at home and isolate for seven days.
If unwell please stay home and reschedule your appointment or request a telehealth appointment.
MASKS are still required in our specific healthcare setting.
We work in close proximity for an extended period of time with our patients and hence the risk of respiratory transmission is high.
Our Hand Therapists will be wearing masks.
Wear a correctly fitted medical or surgical mask to your appointment if you wish.
With support of the Ministry of Health, The Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Boards of NZ, and ACC we ask and provide the below from our clients and staff:
All appointments.
1. Please cancel your appointment if you have COVID19, are sick, or are showing symptoms of sickness.
If you are sick, stay home and get tested. If positive isolate for seven days.
A telehealth consult may be appropriate in the interim.
Symptoms specific to COVID19 include:
a new or worsening cough
a high temperature (at least 38°C)
shortness of breath
sore throat
sneezing and runny nose
temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
Less commonly: diarrhoea, headache, muscle pain of body aches, nausea, vomiting, confusion or irritability.
2. Please refrain from attending your appointments if you:
Have been in contact with someone with the symptoms mentioned above and have yet to test yourself for COVID 19..
Have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, or is suspected to be positive of COVID19 and are awaiting a COVID19 test result.
3. Individuals with reduced immunity are at a greater risk of infection. This includes, but isn’t limited to, the unvaccinated, the elderly, those with autoimmune diseases, diabetes and cancer. Please check with your GP if you have concerns about your health and immunity.
4. Masks - wear a correctly fitted surgical/medical mask during your appointment and whilst on the premises if you wish. This includes any support persons. Therapists will be wearing masks.
5. Hand hygiene: Wash hands regularly with soap or hand sanitiser. There will be hand sanitiser on the reception desk, and in every treatment room.
6. If you are coughing or sneezing, please keep your mask on and cough into your elbow. If you need to use a tissue dispose of promptly, replace you mask and sanitise your hands.
7. Cleaning surface regularly: The Hand Therapists will utilise disinfectant/cleaning spray on the majority of surfaces, including EFTPOS terminals and general environment (chairs, countertops, door handles etc). The cleaning of treatment surfaces, chairs and therapy equipment will be completed in-between each patient.
Please ask if you would prefer a Telehealth appointment.